Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's the little things...

I just had one of those eureka moments when you are feeling a certain way (usually bad for yourself) and then you are slapped in the face with a miracle that makes you realize just how lucky you are.

This past weekend I felt really sad. I was missing home and all my friends and family and just felt really bummed that I won’t see these people that I care about so much for another 18 months. I was worried because time seems so static and still here (mostly because the weather is unbelievably constant – it’s like part of a math problem ; ] ) that when I get home I will think no time has passed, like the twilight zone, but really everyone else would have really lived 2 years. And changed. And grew…maybe apart. And that made me sad. But it is also stupid because I am growing and changing too, I just can’t see it, while I’m in it.

On top of that on my walk home from school today (the whole like 4 minutes of it) I thought about how this doesn’t feel like my life. It feels like I am away from my life and this is just some gig I have for awhile. Which is crazy because I have a job! I am teacher. I have taught for 5 months, the longest full time job I have ever held. And I live here. I should be here. This is my life. But I just reflected on how it doesn’t feel like that.

And then I was reminded that I am an idiot.

I went to go cash my paycheck for January at PUC – Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (if you pay for some of your cash power they will give you the rest in cash…and they have MUCH better hours than the bank) and I walked in and I saw a student from PCS. Now I thought it was my nephew (from my host family) but for some reason I wasn’t sure, he looked different. So I just kind of kept looking at him and he’s smiling. And then my host brother finishes getting his cash power and turns around and awkwardly says hello. I ask how he is and Jomar (my nephew) is like already out the door, so he’s like see you soon, chasing after Jomar. And I was just laughing about how awkward it was.

But then I got my cash power and turned around and there’s Jomar with a cold root beer for me that he whispers is from Jacqueline (my host mom) and I just got so happy and I walk outside and like the whole family is in the car (not really because my family is like 329487239487 people and there were only like 6 in the car but there were 4 generations present) and I went over and spoke to them in Pohnpeian (hi, how are you?, good, you? – very intense stuff) and then they asked if I needed a ride and told me they’d see me soon.

It got me. I was overcome with feeling, almost started crying after walking like 10 feet. I have been to my host family 3 times so far (Xavier prep takes a lot of weekends…) and yet I love these people. They are so amazing and even though this is so impossible they make me feel like part of their family. Like I have a life here. Like I belong here.

I clearly just need to be reminded often. But, hey, I don’t mind a few slaps in the face.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are you in the mood to watch water fall off some rocks?

These are some pictures from the waterfall Pahn Takai. It is arguably one of my favorite spots on the island and yet again an example of how so much beauty can come from dark and stormy days. This waterfall is over 150ft tall and it is especially spectacular right after a heavy rain. 

Pahn Takai literally means "on the rock" and it gets its name from the huge rock face the it cascades over. Behind the waterfall is a wicked sweet bat cave and a lovely spot to so some thinking or reflecting. These pictures can't fully capture the intense beauty of Pohnpei but I hope they give you a glimpse of the magnificence here.

Meredith near the bat cave

so amazing.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Halloween Pics

Too Cool for School


The Four Seasons

Had to make my own foliage


Cross-dressing is the thing to do

I will never be as cool as Olivia

So proud

Prettiest Girls in 8th Grade

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Charter Day and Kamadipws

Strategizing Before the Race

So Colorful!


Eighth Grade Wheelbarrow-Race

Go Orange Team!


Killin' It!

Yellow Team with my favorite Kaylem upfront!

My Lovely Orange Team

Charter Day was so much fun!

Huge pile of sakau at Yam Kamadipw (feast for yam season)

Some real fresh fish

Sakau Pounding Fun!

Got Pig?


Sometimes they eat dog...

Our First Chalkboard Art!

Picture Time!

Community Love and Puzzles

Rainbow Time

View from the J-House Porch

The Doldrums

Sea Slug


Waterproof cameras are fun

Some colorful coral


Monsters of the Deep


Hungry? That's some fresh pig

That's right we butchered that sucker